How quickly is 2022 going by everyone?!
We have finished our first term of dancing and it has been wonderful; back to class after Christmas, exams and most exciting – SHOW DANCES!
Our term officially ends on Monday 4th April.

Firstly; thank you everyone for all your hard work. For smiling in every class, pointing your toes and enjoying yourself. We have had some amazing guest choreographers join us for stage school helping us to get a taste of the West End. Keep working hard as we head towards summer exams and our show in 2023.

Next; congratulations to our Tap and Modern students that took their exams this term. You all passed! Well done!

We will be enrolling more students in their exams for summer after the Easter break, if your child is selected we will contact you directly to advise you of dates and entrance fees.
Ballet Exams 21 & 24 June,
Tap Exams 30 June
Modern Exams 1 July
Please see HERE for policy on exam fees.

Finally; big news about our 2023 show! Our show dates are confirmed as 22nd – 25th February 2023 at the Rhoda McGaw Theatre in Woking. We will be moving into the theatre from Sunday 19th February to do full rehearsals. All students are invited to take part in the show for all classes they attend. This years show is β€œMy Favourite Things” and our ballet will be β€œSwan Lake”. The show falls the week after half-term however students have always coped very well with performing the show and also attending school during the day. Schools are, for the majority, also very supportive of their students pursuing their extra curricular activities and taking part in things like our show performances. Please have a look at the below show letter to get an understanding of what is expected from students during show week. Please have a read of the below letter to get an understanding of what is needed of students and parents for the show, and also information about costume deposits and key dates.

K.D.A.D SHOW LETTER 2023.docx

Have a lovely Easter break, keep practicing your dances and set work and we will see you all when term recommences on Monday 25th April. 🐣🐰🌷🍫

Fees are able to be paid through the website using this page.

Miss Kelli & the KDAD Team x


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